It was impossible to build a movement against violence against women without tackling issues of racism and class. Impossible to support solidarity with the early Sandinistas or revolutionary Cuba without challenging homophobia. It was painful to fundraise for non-profit theaters groups in San Francisco-- diverse ones—that were all run by men who produced mostly male playwrights. Hence BRAVA was born.
Since my early student days, my activism has always been goal-oriented and intersectional. Building projects with impact and reach.
By the Trump years, with attacks on all fronts, I might have been demonstrating against the Muslim ban, or the separation of immigrant children at the border, going to DC for the Women’s March or to downtown LA for a Black Lives Matter protest against another murder. I was a member of the Auntie’s Sewing Squad during the pandemic, sewing over 2,000 masks for vulnerable communities.
Today my activism is directed at pro-democracy efforts, supporting Democratic candidates, writing my own film and television scripts and advocating for the non-profit California arts community that I so love.

Demonstration against family separation at San Ysidro border